International Safer Internet Day

International Safer Internet Day

safe internet

International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the second day of the second week of the second month of the year. This year it falls on February 11th. The motto of the holiday this year sounds like: “Together for a better Internet.” The purpose of the holiday is to promote the safe and responsible use of information technologies.

The holiday begins its history in 2004. It was initiated within the framework of the European Commission’s “Safe Internet” program. The idea was supported by non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. It quickly spread among Internet users and government agencies. Insafe became the main coordinator of the event. Over the years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework to become a truly international holiday celebrated on five continents. The purpose of the holiday is to promote the safe and responsible use of information technology.

Safer Internet Day

It is foolish to deny the fact that digital technologies are deeply rooted in our daily life and therefore Internet security is a top priority. And we are not talking only about virus programs and how to protect against them. We talk about the Internet as a safe environment in which positive content prevails, the general ethics of Internet communication and norms of behavior.

The main target audience of the holiday is children and young people. Since these social groups are most in need of this kind of adaptation. The holiday lasts 7 days. During this week, various conferences, round tables, presentations of projects and public initiatives, communication with experts in the field of safe Internet are held. Issues such as cyberbullying, victim blaming, slatshaming, racism, chauvinism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia are discussed. The main ideas of social justice, tolerance and equality in all its manifestations are being promoted.